Online-Only Store
Son of a Hon
Son of a Hon makes food-grade, hand-poured, Baltimore-themed silicone molds for ice, chocolates, candles, soaps - you name it, hon! On a limited-time basis, we also make and sell candles, soaps, and other molded products that showcase our unique designs. By the way, if you're a chocolate, soap, butter, or candle maker and are looking to put your logo on your products, or if want a totally custom design for your brand, please contact us to discuss a commission!
Son of a Hon makes handmade Baltimore-themed silicone molds for ice, candy, and crafts
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From the Owners:
We love Baltimore kitsch culture and aim to celebrate it with our products, and maybe help get a little craft economy going in the process. Let us know if you have any designs you'd like to see us make next!
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