Service or Experience Provider

Hamilton Physical Therapy

Hamilton Physical Therapy is located on Harford Road in the Hamilton Business District. We serve adults needing orthopedic physical therapy services. Start your Hamilton Physical Therapy experience by conveniently parking your vehicle for free in the clinic’s commodious private parking lot, conveniently located behind the clinic. Then enter into an energy-efficient, humidity- and temperature-controlled environment with beautiful dark bamboo floors specially engineered to mitigate ground reaction walking forces.  Dr. Sumesh Thomas is the **ONLY** licensed orthopedic physical therapist in Baltimore who is a master manual therapist and a board-certified hand therapist. He has over twenty years of experience and has earned multiple degrees in physical therapy, including a Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate with honors.  As a clinician, he keeps abreast of the best physical therapy practice guidelines and integrates innovative interventions based on science. If you’ve had surgery, he doesn’t simply rely on your surgeon’s referral. But he goes the extra mile to request and review the surgeon’s operative report before initiating treatment.  Dr. Thomas only utilizes superlative branded products, established and innovative technologies, and a personalized approach to ensure your physical therapy experience will be extraordinary.  You will be delighted by the grandeur experience at Hamilton Physical Therapy.
Physical Therapy Services
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From the Owners: 
Hamilton Physical Therapy is clean, organized, energy and water efficient, and well-equipped with modern therapy equipment. The chairs and beds are extra wide and plush to guarantee comfort and safety. The beautiful bamboo floors are specially designed to absorb shock and decrease ground reaction forces. The temperature and humidity in the clinic are monitored and controlled to ensure optimal air quality. And the lighting, music, fragrance, and fresh flowers are inviting and imbue a state of tranquility. Each session begins with a heartfelt smile, a soothing warm towel, and a scrumptious piece of decadence. You'll leave each session with a little gift that will remind you of the resplendent experience.
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