Online-Only Store

HeARTwares (by Art with a Heart)

HeARTwares is Art with a Heart's social enterprise/retail store. Works of art created by Art with a Heart students and volunteers are displayed and sold. Half of all sale proceeds are shared with the participating community partner or artist. Students also work in HeARTwares and gain real job experience in dealing with the public, handling money, and presenting a professional appearance and manner. HeARTwares sells a wide variety of hand-made and one-of-a-kind artwork, jewelry, house ware items, garden ornaments, and assorted gifts. **About Art with a Heart:** Art with a Heart brings interactive visual arts classes into schools, community centers, group homes, shelters, permanent housing facilities, hospitals, and senior housing facilities. Founded in 2000, Art with a Heart has experienced steady growth, from four small classes a week to 11,000 annually, with a proven track record for developing creative initiatives and accessible paths to success for individuals living in Baltimore's most vulnerable communities.
HeARTwares is Art with a Heart's social enterprise/retail store. Works of art created by Art with a Heart students and volunteers are displayed and sold. Half of all sale proceeds are shared with the participating community partner or artist.
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I love this Resource!
January 8th, 2020
It was one of the most helpful resources for my venture. Too bad this is a generic test comment - if you want to see the real ones from local entrepreneurs, make a profile!
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